David A. B. Miller
David A. B. Miller is the W. M. Keck Foundation Professor of Electrical Engineering (Emeritus since October 2024), and a Professor by Courtesy of Applied Physics, at Stanford University.
His research interests include fundamentals of optics in communicating, processing and sensing information, programmable and self-configuring optics, nanophotonics, and optoelectronic physics and applications of quantum-confined structures, such as semiconductor quantum wells.
He has taught quantum mechanics to scientists and engineers from a wide variety of backgrounds, both at Stanford and more widely through open online courses that have attracted more than 80,000 students. He has also been active in educating in a wide variety of topics in the principles and applications of optics and optoelectronics.
He has been active in professional societies, including being a society president, and in conferences. He has received several awards and is a member or fellow of many professional societies and national academies.