Posts published in November, 2021
Degrees of Freedom and Modes in Optics and Electromagnetics
by David Miller on November 17, 2021 1:30 am
Optics and radio-frequency electromagnetics now both need to work with many distinct channels for communications and sensing. A common framework, based on singular-value decomposition, clarifies the number of degrees of freedom and the true nature of orthogonal communications modes, and resolves many paradoxes. This approach leads to fundamental results in optics and electromagnetics, and maps… Read more Degrees of Freedom and Modes in Optics and Electromagnetics
The New Multimode Optics - Understanding and Exploiting Controllable Complexity
by David Miller on November 4, 2021 12:00 pm
Technologies like silicon photonics allow complex optics. Emerging applications in communications, sensing, and classical and quantum information processing demand complex controllable circuits. Recent advances in novel interferometric mesh architectures, new algorithmic approaches to control, including self-configuring and self-stabilizing circuits, and a clarified modal mathematical approach, promise sophisticated and highly functional circuits beyond previous optics. This… Read more The New Multimode Optics - Understanding and Exploiting Controllable Complexity