Self-configuring programmable photonics for processing, communications and sensing tutorial

This tutorial

Self-configuring programmable photonics for processing, communications and sensing,” Invited Tutorial, Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC 22, San Diego, CA, March 7, 2022, Paper M2G.1
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was presented at OFC 22. It gives an introduction to the concepts and applications of self-configuring photonic circuits.

See also the following related talks, which are also available with video.

Self-configuring complex photonic circuits,” (Invited), 2021 IEEE Group IV Photonics Conference (GFP2021) (virtual conference) Dec. 7, 2021, Paper TuE3
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The New Multimode Optics – Understanding and Exploiting Controllable Complexity ,” Invited Tutorial, Frontiers in Optics 21 (FiO 21), 4 November, 2021 (virtual conference) Paper FTh6C.1 DOI:
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