Quantum mechanics textbook

D. A. B. Miller, Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers (Cambridge University Press, 2008)

This book introduces quantum mechanics to scientists and engineers. The level and approach are aimed at anyone with a reasonable scientific or technical background looking for a solid but accessible introduction to the subject. The coverage and depth are substantial enough for a first quantum mechanics course for physicists. At the same time, the level of required background in physics and mathematics has been kept to a minimum to suit those from other science and engineering backgrounds. With the growing interest in nanotechnology, quantum mechanics has recently become increasingly important for an ever-widening range of engineering disciplines, such as electrical and mechanical engineering, and for subjects such as materials science that underlie many modern devices.

Solutions to selected problems are available here.

Figure animations are available here as a Powerpoint file

The book is available from Amazon, Cambridge, and other sellers.

Known errata are available here.